In the year 2006, the First Central European Mineralogical Conference was held in the beautiful area of Nízke Tatry Mountains in the mining village of Vyšná Boca at the “heart” of Slovak Republic. After ten years and travelling around Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic, Central European Mineralogical Conference will be yet again held in Slovakia. The world famous mining town of Banská Štiavnica will welcome participants of 5th Central European Mineralogical Conference during the end of June, 2018 organized by Mineralogical Society of Slovakia (SMS) and Slovak Mining Museum (SBM).
5th Central European Mineralogical Conference is organized along with 7th Mineral Sciences in the Carpathians Conference
The main topics of conference will include:
General mineralogy and crystallography
Applied mineralogy and geochemistry
Magmatic and metamorphic petrology and geochemistry
Mineral deposits
Minerals and museums
Conference language is English. Oral presentations and posters (size A0) are welcome.